I love my Chai-eggnog coffee drinks in the fall so when I was trying to come up with a yummy cupcake recipe I figured why not! I haven't seen this recipe...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
A very simple to make chocolate cake that I developed while trying to combine my chocolate and coffee cravings. It tastes so good no one will believe how...
An irresistible dessert with a chocolate cookie crust and a light creamy filling. Perfect for parties. This can also be prepared in a flower pot with gummy...
This moist and delicately flavored cake has been a favorite of my family at Easter for years. I like to fill the center opening with chocolate dipped strawberries...
A very simple to make chocolate cake that I developed while trying to combine my chocolate and coffee cravings. It tastes so good no one will believe how...
I love my Chai-eggnog coffee drinks in the fall so when I was trying to come up with a yummy cupcake recipe I figured why not! I haven't seen this recipe...
This cake is more of a confection than a cake. It makes a beautiful, festive presentation. This recipe came to our family from a dear lady, Mrs. Barrows,...